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Home Fitness Total Gym

CycloTrainer 2

Now you can take your cardio workout with the Total Gym FIT or XLS to the next level! The CycloTrainer 2 offers a variety of ways to train letting you incorporate aerobic training into your strength workout routine. By placing the CycloTrainer 2 on your Total Gym, it can be used as a recumbent bike or you can add a dynamic movement by opening the glideboard and activating the core muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and more. Adjusting the angle or position of your body alters the workout allowing you to instantly work different muscle groups at once.

Item #: TG_CYC

Weight : 12.90 Kg

Easy Low-Impact Workout – simply lay back and cycle with the glideboard anchored at the bottom of the rails.
* Strengthen your core
* Trim your butt and thighs A
* comfortable and easy cardio workout that fully supports your back
* A great way to start your cardio routine if you’re a beginner and an easy warm-up as you advance.

Circuit Training – start your normal Total Gym routine. Every 5 exercises or so, ride the Cyclo Trainer for 30-60 seconds. Alternate back & forth. * Boost your metabolism
* Burn more calories during and after your workout
* Maximise your workouts – no more 30-60 min. cardio routines!

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