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Horyzen Air IAQ Monitoring

Transfer Disinfection Portal

 The transfer disinfection portal provides bipolar ionization technology, highly efficient HEPA 13 air purification, ultraviolet lamps, with overload safety protection design and dual protection of power supply fuse switches. The Portal has multi step speed fan speed controller and 3 ionizer intensity level controller providing continuous disinfection control. The portal has the option for intelligent face identification access control temperature measuring feature. 

Item #: TDP-501TC

Weight : 250.00 Kg

$28415.00 NZD

The transfer disenfction portal , disenfects those people passing through of any Surface contaminats. Optional Face detection and Temperature Detection can screen for possible positve persons and identify authorised persons for entry.


·     Removes up to 99.9% of viruses from circulating air and surfaces - BPI compromises the DNA of bacteria and viruses rendering them neutralised, thereby protecting operating space’s inhabitants from illness and disease.


·     Removes up to 99.9% of airborne and surface VOC’s - Bipolar ions break down toxic gasses and compounds from dangerous chemicals such as cleaning products, pesticides, paints, solvents, mould, mildew and more?


·     Reduced dust and mould particles - Bipolar ions that bond with contaminants gain size and mass and drop to the floor, or return to the filter, making them easily cleaned from the air we breathe.?


·     Reduced odours - Bipolar ions break down odours at their source and eliminate them no masking or diluting required.

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