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Horyzen Air Portable Units

Portable Unit Car, Desk or Small Room

 This portable unit provides DBD Bipolar Ionisation air purification capability within a compact space. Silent operation delivering continuos disenfection management  for the space

Potential applications:

  1. Car (Taxi,Uber, Hire and Personal)
  2. Home or Work Office
  3. Standard Bedroom

Item #: PS-300T1

Weight : 0.35 Kg

$747.00 NZD


·     Removes up to 99.9% of viruses from circulating air and surfaces - BPI compromises the DNA of bacteria and viruses rendering them neutralised, thereby protecting operating space’s inhabitants from illness and disease.


·     Removes up to 99.9% of airborne and surface VOC’s - Bipolar ions break down toxic gasses and compounds from dangerous chemicals such as cleaning products, pesticides, paints, solvents, mould, mildew and more?


·     Reduced dust and mould particles - Bipolar ions that bond with contaminants gain size and mass and drop to the floor, or return to the filter, making them easily cleaned from the air we breathe.?


·     Reduced odours - Bipolar ions break down odours at their source and eliminate them no masking or diluting required.

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