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History of HQH Fitness

HQH Fitness (Highest Quality Health & Fitness) is an international company that specialises in improving the health, fitness and wellness of people everywhere.

Directors of HQH Fitness, Greg and Nancy Doherty, have spent a lifetime committed to improving their personal health and the health of others. Native born Canadians, Greg & Nancy's desire for travel and passion for sailing led them to emigrate from Canada and undertake an ocean cruising adventure on their 38 foot (11.2 m) yacht Kyora. They visited many different cultures and remote places throughout the Pacific basin for three years before arriving in New Zealand with their two sons to live in 1983. Greg then pursued a career as a boat builder while Nancy developed skills as a massage therapist and trained as a professional kinesiologist.

At this point Greg and Nancy were entering into personal network marketing GNLD business venture, which is still an integral part of their day to day business today. The business skills they learned in GNLD were key elements in the growth of HQH Fitness as a successful business.

The next part of their history is where Paul Chek comes into the picture. Back in Canada, Nancy met Paul Chek's mother and they became good friends. Greg and Nancy saw Paul Chek as he was growing up. Even at a young age he was certainly an original thinker. While they kept tabs on what Paul was doing, it wasn't until Paul showed up on their doorstep in New Zealand in 1994 to present his first lecture tour in the South Pacific and stay with him that they truly saw what he was achieving. Greg and Nancy were incredibly impressed with the impact that Paul had on the wide and varied group of students attending. They were given the opportunity to help Paul bring his knowledge to Australia and New Zealand on an ongoing basis, and thus began their introduction to the fitness industry.

A natural evolution from promoting CHEK education was to offer unique tools of the trade and fitness equipment that Paul regularly recommended throughout his courses. An example of this was the search for a high quality Swiss Ball that could withstand some of the unique demands that Paul would place on them. In 1995, Swiss Balls were not capable of being safe tools for some of the exercises he taught (see the Stong 'N' Stable DVD Series for an idea of these).

From here the business grew and in 1998 Greg and nancy formed Highest Quality Health (HQH) as a company.

It was at this time that Paul advised Greg of a long-time established company he had worked with, efi Sports Medicine, who were the creators of the Total Gym. They were looking to bring their unique commercial GRAVITY Training System into the South Pacific market. As an advocate for the Total Gym, Paul thought it would be a perfect complement to HQH's offerings. In 2002 Greg met with Tom Campanaro (CEO) and wife Joy Campanaro in California. Greg was excited by Tom's passion, enthusiasm and vision. Tom mentioned that they were developing the exciting new GRAVITY Training System as a new commercial product that would launch internationally.

Greg applied for distributorship, and in 2004 HQH officially became the South Pacific distributors for efi Sports Medicine and the GRAVITY Training System.

Greg and Nancy gradually developed their company and introduced various other product lines that would meet their customers' needs and requests, to evolve HQH to be much more than an education provider.

The company's most recent addition was the distributorship of the new FMA Strength Training Program based on the science and practice strength & power training, developed by close friend and colleague Mark Buckley in 2009.

In 2011 HQH rebranded as HQH Fitness and set forth a new company direction based around 'Service. Innovation. Solutions.' With this new direction, HQH Fitness passed over the distribution of CHEK Education in Australia to a new distributor in May 2011. In January 2012 they did the same with the New Zealand distributorship. They also passed administration of FMA Strength Training courses back to Mark Buckley and his FMA team, so that HQH Fitness could focus on their premier product line - the Total Gym suite.

Every year continues to build for HQH Fitness and Total Gym. A great team and new products, keeping our customers at the forefront of this ever-changing industry!
HQH Fitness (Highest Quality Health & Fitness) is an international company that specialises in improving the health, fitness and wellness of people everywhere. With over 20 years in the industry, the company has evolved to offer a variety of product lines and education. Learn how the owners knew Paul Chek in Canada before he showed up on their doorstep in New Zealand, which eventually lead to HQH Fitness being formed.

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