0800 552 878       [email protected]

Where are you based?

We are a New Zealand company based  in Auckland, New Zealand.

Do you have an Australian office?

No, we ship to Australia and organise all education programs from our New Zealand office.

Why do you have so many different areas to your business?

Everything we offer is synergistic and inter-related, and we are passionate about each and every area. Read our History page and this may give you a few more answers about how the business has evolved to offer our various product ranges.

Are you a commercial business only? Who is your market?

The majority of our business is for commercial facilities and fitness professionals, however we have a variety of products for home use.

I don't like ordering online? How else can I order?

We encourage everyone to order online as we have a safe and secure server. However we do understand that some people have trepidation. For this reason we offer our unique personal service, whereby you can contact us via email or by phone to make your order. Phone 0800 552 8789 (NZ), 1800 552 8789 (AU) or +64 9 478 2111 (International). Alternatively fill out our enquiry form on the Contact Us page.

What is Total Gym and the GRAVITY system?

Total Gym is a high quality range of fitness equipment that is turning heads worldwide. The Total Gym GTS and Total Gym PowerTower are commercial grade versions of the world-famous and original infomercial version of Total Gym. Total Gym is a bodyweight training, all in one gym-based piece of equipment. It works on incline training using your own body weight. Growing rapidly around the world, your initial investment pays off ten-fold when you realise all that Total Gym has to offer.

GRAVITY is the programming and education around the commercial Total Gym equipment.. The GRAVITY System offers a complete one-stop solution for your business including business, implementation and marketing advice that will help launch your business successfully. In addition there is ongoing upskilling opportunities and further certification courses such as Pilates and Post-rehab to increase your client base.

The most important aspect is that there are no ongoing fees. After your initial investment is paid off, it simply becomes a money-making business - which is where your return on investment comes in. Especially if you follow the recommended models that are being implemented successfully all over the world.

What is NeoLife?

NeoLife is a range of nutritional, herbal, homecare and body care products and supplements that are made from only the highest quality products. We recommend the NeoLife range because of their commitment to quality and excellence that they have demonstrated for over 60 years.

Some frequently asked questions about HQH Fitness that we receive are answered here. If you have a question that is not addressed, feel free to ask via our Contact Us page and if necessary we will include your question and a response on our FAQ page.

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